On Saturday, September 24th, 2005, over a hundred and fifty thousand people marched on Washington in the name of Peace.
The following is the note a friend's cousin sent her about the demonstration.
It was very successful. We brought over 300 in our buses (and didn't lose anyone). From the feedback on our buses on the way home, all had a very positive experience. I haven't seen all the media coverage -- yesterday we didn't answer our phone or turn on the computers -- but the Wash Post gave some credible numbers and a good, fair account. 30% of the people on our buses were new, and we also had many children and students. Some of the young people -- ages 16 and 17 -- remarked that the demonstration amplified their own voices. They were moved and inspired by the fact that so many people thought like them and that their voices were part of a larger voice. We came back with great feelings of love for the people who worked with us, especially the bus captains who worried all day, taking some of the burden of worry away from me and Jack, and kept their heads in the many small emergencies that arose.
It was a wonderful day. It felt very good to stand up and be counted.

Note to the reader:
I'm still working on this page, experimenting with pictures taken with my cellphone. Being an old dog, it's taking me a while to learn this clever new trick, so please check back again for more words and pictures.